What food for your dog?

Time Greyhound Nutrition has a range of feed products, some of which can be fed on their own as complete balanced diets, with others used together or in combination with meat and other ingredients. Always ensure you choose the correct food from our range, depending on the age and activity level of your dog. As it is critical to feed greyhounds and whippets a high-quality balanced diet, we recommend using the Greyhound Diet Calculator on this website. Our recipes include the highest quality ingredients available, including all the vitamins and minerals required for optimum dog health.


RULES OF FEEDING - What are the fundamental rules for feeding my greyhound?

The first rule of feeding is to ensure that your greyhound has a nutritionally balanced diet with the correct level of protein, fat, carbohydrate, minerals, vitamins and water. Some minerals and vitamins can be dangerous if fed in excess so therefore it is important not to over feed them. The recommended feeding guides on Time Greyhound products may need to be adjusted depending on activity, individual variation and external conditions, always ensuring that your dog is maintaining its optimum body weight and is in a lean healthy condition. If you feed your dogs a combination of Time Greyhound food alongside meat and other ingredients, always use the Time Greyhound Diet Calculator to ensure that the diet is balanced. As greyhounds can be susceptible to dehydration, it is essential that fresh drinking water is available at all times.

STORING & MAINTAINING FOOD - How should I store my dog food and how often should I feed my greyhound?

It is recommended to store Time Greyhound products in a cool dry place. The food should be stored in a sealed container, but if this is not possible, ensure that you fold over the bag opening after use to maintain shelf life.

If you feed your dog ad lib, then there should be a continuous supply of fresh food, it is important that the greyhounds saliva doesn’t contaminate the food which may affect its palatability, reduce intake and lead to possible health risks. Make sure that fresh food is offered to your greyhound each day and always ensure that the feeding bowl is thoroughly cleaned prior to feeding.

GREYHOUNDS AS PETS - Are greyhounds suitable to keep as pets?

Yes. Greyhounds can be great house pets. They have a sweet and loving temperament and are loyal to their owners. They can be quiet, polite and intelligent.

FEED - What should I feed my adopted retired greyhound?

Time Greyhound Nutrition has a product specifically designed for retired greyhounds – Time Maintenance & Retired. For more information on this product, please see the products section of our website. 

PROTEIN REQUIREMENTS - What are the optimum protein requirements for both racing and retired greyhounds?

Scientific research has proven that 28% protein in the total diet is the optimum level for racing greyhounds. This is based on a 92% dry matter diet and can be difficult to calculate due to the varying dry matter and protein contents of meat and veg etc. Our Time Greyhound Diet Calculator will do this calculation for you. The general protein requirement for resting greyhounds is 20% and 29% for rearing greyhounds.

MIXING FEED - Can I mix Time Greyhound Feed with alternative sources of protein and carbohydrates?

Yes, please see our Time Greyhound Diet Calculator section to calculate the suitable amounts of each feed to give your greyhound a balanced diet.

DIET - I like to feed some meat, vegetables and pasta to my race dogs, how do I make sure that the overall diet is balanced?

Most owners and trainers that are home-mixing find it difficult to ensure that their greyhound diet is balanced. Our revolutionary Time Greyhound Diet Calculator will quickly do the calculation and ensure that the overall diet is fully balanced.

DIET FOR PREGNANT AND LACTATING BITCHES - What diet do you recommend for pregnant and lactating bitches?

During the first six weeks of pregnancy there is very little foetal growth, therefore the requirement for additional food is small. During the last three weeks of pregnancy there is a large foetal weight gain and a general guideline for bitches in whelp is to gradually increase the total food offered from the sixth week onwards so that at whelping her intake is approximately 30 to 50% more than at mating. We recommend Time Puppy & Sapling during this critical period. Bitches in the final stages of pregnancy may find it difficult to achieve the required food intake and may need to be fed more frequent small meals. Always monitor the bitches condition and avoid both over feeding and under feeding

The nutritional requirements of a bitch increase dramatically during lactation, as the bitch must produce adequate quantities of milk for her pups. The quantities of food required will increase as the pups increase in size and nutritional requirements. The type of food provided must contain sufficient quantities of highly digestible protein and fats to avoid her using her own reserves of fats and proteins, so therefore Time Puppy & Sapling is the product of choice. You could also feed Time Record Breaker, as many breeders have reported excellent milk production when it is fed to bitches during lactation. It is preferable to feed a bitch “free choice” during lactation so she may consume as much food as she needs when she needs it. An average guide to the likely increase in food required is:

Week 1 up to 150% of normal food requirements
Week 2 up to 200% of normal food requirements
Week 3 up to 300% of normal food requirements

MILK - Should I feed milk to my pups and saplings?

Many breeders feed milk (whole milk or milk replacer) to their dogs. Milk is a good source of nutrients such as protein, fat and calcium. The problem with milk is that many dogs are intolerant to the lactose it contains, which can result in diarrhoea and vomiting. If you are experiencing these problems then we suggest eliminating the milk, or at least cut down the amount fed. Time Puppy & Sapling contains TruCal (Tirlán’s unique source of highly available natural milk Calcium). This US ingredient ensures that your pups and saplings get the required amount of milk calcium without actually having to feed any milk.

Online Diet

Use our free nutrition calculator to calculate a balanced diet for your greyhound according to their activity level. Use our free nutrition calculator to calculate a balanced diet for your greyhound according to their activity level.